Friday, February 16, 2007

Journal 3: “I carry your heart with me(I carry it in” Personal Response

E.E. Cummings coveys in this love poem that when a man finds true love, he finds a soul mate that makes his being complete and gives him courage to affront any situation in life. The description of the influence of his soul mate gives the poem an ecstatic tone. Cummings reveals the magical spell that love can cast on humans when they have found their soul mate who they believe they can spend the rest of their lives with through the use of repetition and metaphors. The speaker constantly repeats “i carry your heart with me(i carry it in my heart)” to emphasize not only the love he feels towards his beloved but to also emphasize the possession he has over her since she is part of his being. When we feel someone is part of us, we feel more obligated to take care of them because without them our existence would be meaningless. The poet further describes that the man’s life is complete with his soul mate by his side when she compares himself to the moon that cannot exist without the sun.
Obviously when a man finds the woman he loves, he wants to marry her. However, signing a paper in front of a judge and walking down the aisle of a church to a partner, does not necessarily mean that a person will be able to stay together with their soul mate for the rest of their lives. This poem explores that love is about trusting each other and caring for the other without necessarily binding each other through marriage. Today, marriage has become a mock since some do not marry for love. Celebrities opt to not marry the person they believe is their soul mate since they have come to realize the true meaning of love. For example, Brad and Angelina had a child without being marry which support the idea that love is more about the trust and passion each feel towards their. This couple did not believe that a marriage would give them knowledge that each is part of their being, when they already know that in their hearts.

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